Studies on skin potential and skin galvanic reflex in human subjects 人体皮肤电位及皮肤电反射的观察
Phytohemagglutinin skin test can reflex the cell immunity in some degree. 植物血球凝集素(PHA)皮试能在一定程度上反映细胞免疫功能。
THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF THE CORPUS STRIATUM& ⅴ. The Excitatory and Inhibitory Effects on Galvanic Skin Reflex Induced by Caudate Stimulation 纹状体的植物性神经机能&Ⅴ.刺激尾核对皮肤电反射的兴奋性与抑制性作用
Assessment of reflex function usually includes tendon reflex, skin reflex and pathological reflex. 反射功能评估临床常用者包括腱反射、皮肤反射和病理反射。
The effect of stimulation of bulbar reticular formation and electro-acupuncture on the splanchnic and the galvanic skin reflex in rats 电刺激延髓网状结构和电针穴位对内脏神经-皮肤电反射的影响